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Omega Graduate School - 2024 - Doctor of Social Leadership - Financial Parenting

The King's University - 2021 - Doctor of Ministry - Messianic Jewish Studies
American Institute for Advanced Biblical Studies - 2010 - Masters Religious Education - Middle Eastern Studies

Baylor University - 1996 - Bachelor Business Administration - Finance

Maranatha Academy - 1992

My early years were spent in numerous industries like lawn care, restaurant, horticulture, dorm resident assistant, and painting contractor.  This does not include all of the different jobs my dad nudged me toward while I was still in elementary school! 

After college, I was a corporate analyst at a Fortune 500 company.  Later I worked at several non-profits, including teaching and coaching at private and public schools.

Presently, I am enjoying turning "financial parenting" into a business called Financial HEIRs, an ingenious alternative to the traditional methods of financial parenting (and grandparenting).  I am also available for consultations on how to
improve your bi-vocational ministry.  A journalism initiative on "state-level news" is forthcoming.

My first ministry job was at IHOP-KC as I was getting anchored into a genuine faith for the first time, along with overseas work in India and Thailand.  This led to planting a house church that grew into Kingdom Living Messianic Congregation.  Our family later moved to a rural area and served together with a wholistic healing ministry.  Presently I serve as the Director of the First Coast House of Prayer, an Elder at Elim Messianic Congregation, and other roles under Tikkun that are listed on the Ministries page.  Regarding questions about apostolic and prophetic ministries, I endorse the statements from IFLI and NAR-Christian Zionism along with being a member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders.

Authors whose Christian writings have significantly impacted my life include C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Watchman Nee, and Rick Joyner.  On issues of the heart, I love to read John Eldredge and Dana Candler.  On Messianic Jewish topics, I especially enjoy Tikkun authors and Dan Gruber.  On the supernatural, I appreciate Derek Prince and Randy Clark.

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