It is an honor to serve in these various ministries, as each one is unique and brings a special joy to those involved.
Founder and Director - The crisis in America is real! We are convinced that God is raising up the First Coast House of Prayer in this strategic hour to address root problems in our nation. St. Augustine is the oldest city in our nation - a "gateway city" with a unique history that is often forgotten.
Founder and President - An academic and pastoral approach to interpreting the Jerusalem Council ... "What must Gentile Christians do to be saved?" This ministry includes the quest to interpret the "one new man" by using biblical passages and internationally acclaimed scholarship.
Serving Tikkun and the Body through Messianic Jewish ministry to Israel and the nations. Recently the emphasis has been on connecting outside ministries to Tikkun.
Founder and Elder - Elim is a "one new man" congregation under Tikkun America providing northeast Florida with a beautiful expression of unity between Israel and the nations. Our family is blessed to be members alongside these brothers and sisters at Elim, which is now led by my good friend Laban Doyle.
Elder - Beit Hallel is a Messianic Jewish congregation in Ocala, Florida under Tikkun America. It has been a pleasure to serve there since 2023, as the Lord is stirring the people toward righteousness and justice.
Founder - We led here for ten years until 2014. KL is a "one new man" congregation in Kansas City under Tikkun America. Rich Cleary and the elders have done an amazing job, as Kingdom Living has become one of the largest and healthiest Messianic congregations in the country.
Shiloh is a place where the glory of God still dwells. The next time you are in Israel, make sure you visit this ancient site where the tabernacle first dwelt when Joshua led Israel across the Jordan river. If you are interested in seeing Shiloh reestablished as a place of worship in our generation, then continue reading here.

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